I pledge to ensure the next UK Government Makes Dementia a Priority.  

On July 4 the country elected a Labour Government for the first time in 14 years. 

Countless times we have shared the important message: the new Government must make dementia a priority. But now, with a party in post, it’s vital we see this call made a commitment.

It’s time to ensure the new Government’s priorities are your priorities and that as the greatest health and social care challenge we face, dementia must be a top government priority. 

The need to make dementia a priority has never been greater but nor has the opportunity, if those in power choose to grasp it. 

Join over 15,000 voices saying that the new UK government must Make Dementia a Priority by:  

1. Increasing dementia diagnosis rates and accelerating system readiness for disease modifying treatments.  

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The potential of these new disease-modifying treatments represents a defining moment for Alzheimer’s disease. However, currently, health care systems across the UK, are not ready to deliver breakthrough treatments if they become available. Currently, too many people living with dementia are doing so without a diagnosis. This means they can’t access the vital care and support they deserve and will not be able to receive new treatments for which they may be eligible, if those treatments are approved.  

For more details on our calls, visit our webpage here.

2. Delivering a social care workforce strategy.  

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While scientific breakthroughs may change the way care is delivered in the future, hundreds of thousands of people living with dementia today may never become eligible for new treatments. It is vital we have a social care system set up to provide high-quality, personalised care, delivered by a well-trained and supported workforce.  We need care that provides choice and control for everyone living with dementia. 

For more details on our calls, visit our webpage here.

This is our chance to be heard. Let’s not waste this chance.  

Sign our pledge today to ensure that the new UK government commits to making dementia a priority.

*Decisions relating to health (including how to roll our any future treatments) and social care are devolved. If you would like to know more about what we are doing in Wales and Northern Ireland, please contact [email protected] 

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