1 in 3 people living with dementia do not have a dianogis, meaning they cannot access like changing support or trials for new treatments. While we campaign for politicians across the UK to make dementia a priority, it's crucial that we give people living with dementia the support they desperately need right now. While we campaign for political action across the UK, it's vital that we continue to provide life-changing support to those living with dementia right now.
By urging the Government to take action, you are helping to shape a future where dementia care is prioritised. But your donation can make a tangible difference today. Just £20 could help fund a Dementia Adviser to spend two hours supporting a family living with dementia when they need it most.
If you'd like to change what you receive from us at any time, please call Customer Care on 0330 333 0804 or email [email protected]. For more information about how we use your data, please click here.
You can continue doing something incredible to help thousands of families living with dementia. We’d love to update you on the latest news and research, and how you can do more to help. Would you like to stay in touch by email?
You can update your preferences any time and we’ll never sell your details to third parties. However, if we can’t ask you for help to beat dementia when we need it most, our work can’t continue – so please, choose to stay in touch by selecting ‘Yes’.
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.
If you’re a UK taxpayer, check the box to claim gift aid and increase the value of your donation.